Landing Page Optimization

StellarLanding delivers manually crafted, visually appealing, and—most importantly—high-converting landing pages. Let's make StellarLanding pages together!

Few things about stellar landing pages:

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a website page whose main purpose is to convert visitors into subscribers or customers. It is very important to have a high-converting, money-earning, beautifully designed landing page. Good landing pages can bring in more customers, enhance your sales, and reduce your marketing costs.

Outstanding user experience.

We design landing pages with a “mobile-first“ design principle. Visits coming from mobile devices have surpassed desktop visits. Because of this, your website should have a responsive design that works well with mobile devices.

Adapted to engage your target audience.

We use your buyer's personas to identify the targeted audience. If you do not have your buyer's persona defined, then we can help you construct it. In our initial Skype meeting, we can discuss your customer base, main competitors, and potential marketing channels. All those insights help us to better engage with your targeted audience. Since different types of customers react better to different types of landing pages, CTA-s, and sales copies, we'll create the perfect overall plan to fit your needs and goals.

Blazing fast load.

Have you ever given up on a website that was simply too slow to load? Did you know that 40% of people will abandon your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load? Just a 1-second delay in load time can result in 7% reduction in conversion. That's why stellar landing pages load blazingly fast. In order to deliver blazing fast results, we test our landing pages with these tools: Google’s Lighthouse, Pingdom, and Gtmetrix.

Manually crafted.

We never use landing page software. We create every landing page with our specific clients in mind. You'll get individualized attention, instead of a boring and over-used template. We never recommend using landing page optimization software. Pages created with these tools are always slow, bloated with unnecessary code, and never fully optimized for mobile devices. The simplest manually crated landing page, even if visually unappealing, converts better than any landing page created by software.

Copy text

We use professional copywriters for our copy text. Unique process we use consists of three steps: 1)Landing page desing 2) Copywriting, 3)Redesign/Rewriting. This approach sets us apart from the vast majority of web designers. Your copy will be written around the elements on the webpage. This is a very powerful approach, which requires a unique combination of well-educated developers and very flexible copywrites. Because of the dynamic synergy of our team members, this is our main competitive advantage. Most of your competitors just won't be able to compete with landing pages built with our approach. .


As the backbone of every modern sales team, AIDA principles have been used and proven many times. Our method accepts and incorporates AIDA fully. We even use the AIDA(P) method, which adds a “(P)ost action“ phase to the standard AIDA methodology. Not every phase of the AIDA principle is equally valuable. Our goal is to sell first to those who are most likely to buy your product. If you don't have an internal marketing team, we will gladly do the job of identifying the best AIDA phase, and your buyer's persona for your campaign goals. This saves you money and increases conversion rates on your landing pages.

Copy text

Not every page needs this, but based on customer needs and special conversion opportunities, we can also include the following: live chat, call trackers, quizzes, quiz wheels, calculators, crawling tools, Instagram feeds, and interactive graphics.

Graphic Elements

Three most crucial graphic elements of every stellar landing page are Design, CTAs and Forms.


Your landing page should always match the look and feel of your brand. Check out these examples of landing pages we designed for Hoomit and CodingLama. Notice how we incorporated branding to achieve a harmonious blend of content and aesthetic feel.

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Conversions can be divided by primary and secondary conversions. Shorter forms are used for secondary conversions, and longer forms for primary conversions. In some cases, multi-step forms can drastically outperform single step forms. We employ many standard tricks for designing stellar forms. A significant part of our time is devoted to measuring form performance. We can measure general form abandonment rate, time spent per each field, sources of submissions, uncompleted submissions rate, effects of different button texts, color and contrast influence, and much more.

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Conversions can be divided by primary and secondary conversions. Shorter forms are used for secondary conversions, and longer forms for primary conversions. In some cases, multi-step forms can drastically outperform single step forms. We employ many standard tricks for designing stellar forms. A significant part of our time is devoted to measuring form performance. We can measure general form abandonment rate, time spent per each field, sources of submissions, uncompleted submissions rate, effects of different button texts, color and contrast influence, and much more.

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Stellar Services

Combine the following, or choose all three, for the stellar opportunity.

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[new page]

Order your new stellar landing pages at StellarLanding.

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[existing page]

We will set up Google analytics and help you track and analyze conversations on your landing pages.

Set Analytics
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[existing page]

Optimize existing landing pages for higher conversion.

What about making the whole website out of landing pages?

Turn every page of your website into a landing page.

Here's one crazy idea. Why not make the whole website out of landing pages? Let's make every website page convert visitors into customers! Companies saw a 55% rise in conversions when they increased the number of their landing pages from 10 to 15 (Source: Hubspot). Contact us and tell us that you are interested in the ”stellar chance“. We'll create, analyze and optimize every page on your website.

Get the Stellar Advantage