Stellar Analysis

Stellar analysis includes analysis and advice on how to optimize your landing page. Your stats are followed for a few months. If you already have Google analytics on your landing pages, we can use your historical data for our reports. The more data you have the better our guidance will be. Some of the metrics analyzed are:

  • Conversion Rate
  • Average Time on Page
  • Traffic Sources
  • Form Abandonment Rate
  • Bounce Rate
  • Landing Page Views
  • Visitors-to-Contact Ratio
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Let's make stellar landig pages together.

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What about making the whole website out of landing pages?

Turn every page of your website into a landing page.

Here's one crazy idea. Why not make the whole website out of landing pages? Let's make every website page convert visitors into customers! Companies saw a 55% rise in conversions when they increased the number of their landing pages from 10 to 15 (Source: Hubspot). Contact us and tell us that you are interested in the ”stellar chance“. We'll create, analyze and optimize every page on your website.

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